Just one week after the Amsterdam trip was the time to go to Krakow (Poland).
So me and a bunch 4 friends rented a car (Nissan Terrano!) and I had the responsability of driving us safelly all the 1000km from Frankfurt to Krakow.
On the first day we only drove 500km, staying overnights in Prague. Since this wasn't planed (because we were delayed) we just had to find a place to stay, which wasn't that easy because in that long weekend all the German population decided to go to Prague!!
Here are 3 pictures taken that night!
The next day we got to Krakow! After taking care of the luggage and hostel we started our visit by the central square (Rynek Głowne).
It's a very beautiful city at night!
In the next day we went to the mountains in the south, to the city of Zakopane. Even in the end of may there was still some snow there, imagine that!
The Jewish quarter.
This is the wall that appeared on "The Pianist" movie.
One more day and we went to Auschitz. It wasn't a very ahppy day but I'm glad I went there.
Only a part of the shoes from the people that died there.
Only a part of the hair from the same people.
One of the gas chambers.
This is Birkenau, some 3 km away from Auschwitz. This was much bigger and had the only purpose of killing people, while the first one was more dedicated to political prisioners.
The burning chambers were destroyed by the retreeting nazis.
These are pits which were filled with tons of ashes from the burn people. Still today is possible to see some white spots on the ground - still ashes taken by the wind.
This is the castle, on the Wawel hill.
And this is the dragon between the castle and the river.
The beautiful castle!
And the beautiful sunset once again, while going home.